What it means to win NE Blogger of the year

I am still on a complete high from last night, so I apologise in advance if this post rambles a little bit! I just cannot believe the events of last night!

Last night the lovely people at OPR organised the very first North East Blogger Awards at Lane 7. I was delighted to find out I was a finalist in the 'Best Travel blog' category. Travel is one of my absolute favourite things to write about. On the night, Rachel from Life in Geordieland walked away with this trophy. I honestly did not mind at all as Rachel's blog is one of my favourite's. Her passion for Tyneside always shines through in her posts and she truly was a deserving winner.

At the end of the evening, the lovely Kari from OPR stepped onto the stage to announce the North East Blogger of the year. This could have been anybody and in no way did I think it could be me! 

Kari started saying lots of lovely things about the winning blog including 'Our blog of the year showcases the best the the North East has to offer', 'supports other North East blogs' and 'is fantastic at utilising social media'. I did think - hmmmm I do all of these things but still did not believe it would be me! Then Kari finally announced, 'The winner is North East Family Fun'. OMG! This is one of the few times in my life I have been in shock (I think only other was after I'd unexpectedly given birth at home). Thank goodness I didn't have to make a speech as I could barely walk never mind talk! The photographer was trying to direct us for a photograph and I just couldn't take in what he was saying which was weird.

The rest of the evening was over in a whirl, I was photographed, interviewed, hugged and lots of lovely people popped over to congratulate me and say I really deserved it. This really means a lot so thank you all!

When I was at school I was a straight A student across the board and if you are capable, you are pushed into more academic subjects. I ended up taking Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths A Levels and then onto a degree in Genetics (which I subsequently dropped out of). This just wasn't me. 

At school my favourite subjects were Media studies and English. I loved creative writing and have fond memories of pouring over classics such as 'To Kill and Mockingbird'. In Media studies my favourite ever project was creating our own magazine for our coursework and in fact it helped me win the 'best media studies' student prize. I really wish back then I had followed my heart and pursued a career in the media rather than wasting a good few years of my life!

Fast forward to now and I have been blogging for approximately two years. I do cringe when I read my first ever post (you can read it here) and will say I have come a long way since then. Blogging is my true vocation and it now actually consumes every part of my life. I am thankful for all of the wonderful opportunities I have been able to enjoy thanks to blogging, but it is a lot of hard work so it really means a lot to receive recognition.

I absolutely love blogging and think it is something I will probably do in some shape of form for the considerable future. It is my creative outlet, a place that challenges me, a place where I feel a strong sense of community, a place to record precious memories and photographs and definitely something I feel proud of. The North East plays a huge part in my blog and I will always shout loud and proud about our region. I'm pleased my blog gives me a platform in which to do this.

I feel in a constant state of having so much I want to see, do and write about - in the next year I hope to concentrate a little more on vlogging and I am launching a new #LoveNorthEast linky next month to share the best of the the North East from our talented local bloggers.

Thank you so much to everybody who reads my blog, to my family and friends who I drag along to countless blogging missions, my husband Steve who has to let me photograph his food before he can tuck in when we are eating out and who has to share custody of our beloved MacBook and to OPR, Lane 7 and all of the sponsors for such a wonderful evening.

I'll be blogging about the rest of the evening and all the gossip in a separate post but for now, you can check out North East family fun in The Journal and on Tyne Tees News.



  1. I actually feel quite emotional for you reading this! Fabulous achievement xxx

  2. Aaaaw well done! Im so pleased for you. What an achievement! Nice hair by the quite jealous. I want mine too curl like that! Haha!
    Laura x

    1. Thank you so much Laura - I have grown to love and embrace my hair after years of not being happy with it x

  3. Sam you have shown exactly what fantastic rewards can be achieved with hard work and dedication. It can be really hard work pursuing your passion for blogging when the outside world only see the end and the time and dedication that goes on in the background can get overlooked. I'm really proud to have followed you from the very beginning back in the days of the foxes brush and you are an inspiration to all working Mums. Well done lovely lady, much love xx

    1. Ah I had a little cry reading this! Thank you so much. You are right, nobody realises how much work goes into a post until they blog themselves. It is lovely to receive recognition xx

  4. Well done Sam what a lovely post and well deserved win . I remember at school how smart you were in all the top sets and always getting great grades, I loved to kill a mockingbird too I still have the book now! Studying genetics sounds rather dull and I don't blame you for dropping out, as your blog grows you will probably be able to make it your job one day soon as plenty of other bloggers do it and I have every faith you will too as anyone who reads your blog will be able to see how much you enjoy writing it xx

    1. Thanks Lindsay, means a lot. School seems like so long ago now! All of this has really made me think about how I should encourage my own children - definitely want them to follow their passion.

  5. Well done you...
    Here's to following the dream x

  6. What a fantastic evening for you and you go girl, you look amazing and your blog is really going places. Huge congratulations.

  7. Ahh fantastic! This was such a sweet post to read Samantha, congratulations! I'm so pleased for you, you blog really does deserve the recognition :D
    Also you look stunning too :D

  8. Got a little teary reading this! I'm so glad you won .. so well deserved!

    Like you I made bad academic decisions when I was younger and felt very lost until I found my voice with my blog. This is why blogging is so great and rewarding :) I'm so glad you found your little space on the internet!

    Just today I was talking to a colleague about you and she said that she'd stumbled across your blog when trying to think of different things to do with her nephews ...and I think that just speaks volumes!

    I think is just the start for North East Family Fun!

    Chloe x

    1. Ah such a lovely comment Chloe - thank you. It is lovely that we both have our own little corner of the internet to be ourselves x

  9. Well done again my love! Great to finally meet you and we'll have to go on a few blogging missions together!! Love that :) haha! hxxx

  10. WOW what a great acheivement, it looks like you had a fantastic evening. Congratulations hun and a big well done X

    1. Thank you - it was a lovely evening - better than expected (probably because we didn't know what to expect). Food, music, entertainment, drinks and venue were all fabulous.

  11. Congrats lovely! So well deserved! I'm so happy for you! :)

    Kay xx

  12. I am so chuffed for you! It looks like you had an amazing evening!!
    Congrats again x

  13. Congrats! Well deserved!

    Sandie x

  14. Congratulations, it was great to see you win! Deb x

  15. Congratulations! Such a lovely post, I am really happy for you. #BrillBlogPost x

  16. Huge congrats, so love that you and Hannah won on the night! So well deserved, both! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts

  17. Wow! I obviously hasn't even started blogging when you won this. It was wonderful to be able to catch up on something so important to you. Totally inspiring read! Thanks

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Lovely news and so well deserved. You have a natural, beautiful and friendly reading style and you still managed to look stunning at those awards! Congratulations x


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