How to camp with a baby and keep them warm at night

Camping with a baby is really not as hard as you might think - in fact it can turn out to be a pretty great (and cheap) way to spend time with your family. Baby's are very adaptable and portable and lots of fresh air will do everyone some good.

Choose your site carefully and make sure you do plenty of research. Nobody wants to be stuck on a noisy campsite with a baby where people are up partying all night. There are lots of family campsites about though, many have a no noise curfew to ensure little ones get the peaceful sleep they need. What facilities do you need? Many family campsites now have baby baths available to borrow or family bathrooms. A lot of campsites now also feature a communal kitchen which will certainly make preparing food a lot easier if your baby is weaning.

Our top tips on how to camp with a baby and keep them warm at night.

If your baby is breastfeeding, feeding whilst camping should be no different than at home. Make sure you pack a pillow or something to make you comfortable. If your baby is bottle fedding, set up a cold water sterilising area. We usually use a new washing up bowl in the boot of our car (to keep it out of the way) with Milton tablets and water. Leave bottles and teats in the solution and remove when needed. You will need a heavy plate to weigh the bottles down in the solution and make sure they are fully submerged. Make sure you change the solution every 24 hours. Items usually take 30 minutes to sterilise (always read instructions) so if your baby drops their dummy or teething ring just rinse it and pop it in the solution and it will be safe to use again in no time.

If you bottle feed your baby we have always found cartons of ready made formula to work best. Although they are expensive, they are VERY convenient. Make sure you pack one carton for every feed your baby is likely to need plus a couple extra. Don't forget a small pair of scissors to open the cartons (nail scissors are great).

Our top tips on how to camp with a baby and keep them warm at night.

Camping can be very cold at night, even in the height of Summer. We have always found it best to take your baby's Moses basket from home - they don't take up too much room in the boot as can be used to carry other things. I always like to put my baby in a vest and sleepsuit with socks and mittens sewn in, plus extra socks underneath. Then I put my baby in a baby sleeping bag and then put a wool cardigan on. Finally, I have a soft fleecy blanket to put over baby when the temperature really drops. Babies loose a lot of heat through their head so make sure they wear a hat when they go to sleep too. I know this seems like a lot, but it really is necessary.

Our top tips on how to camp with a baby and keep them warm at night.

If your baby is mobile put picnic blankets on your tent floor when it's time for tummy time. Tent floors can get muddy and this prevents them rolling about on the dirt! Also, pack some slippers for mum and dad to wear inside and leave shoes outside or in your tent's porch. 

Our top tips on how to camp with a baby and keep them warm at night.

If there are just 2 adults, make sure you choose a tent that is easy to pitch with one pair of hands. Chances are, when it's time to pitch the tent, your baby will need your attention. Make sure you plan for rainy days and research local indoor activities - swimming in the local leisure centre is always a good choice (and you will get a decent shower).

Don't take too much baby stuff! You really don't need a highchair! You will however need lots of clothes, lots of nappies and lots of wipes. 

Pushchairs take up a lot of valuable space in your car. Leave yours at home if you can and opt for a baby carrier instead.

Finally, camping is probably one of the only times the whole family goes to sleep together at the same time. Make sure you are comfortable and make the most of the hopefully the longest sleep you have had in a while.

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Our top tips on how to camp with a baby and keep them warm at night.



  1. Bless those little tiny babies, you know I think camping is one of the most easily accessible, most enjoyable things in the world apart from the cold, I am rubbish at cold, when you see me at the Bells of Hemscott next week I shall be wearing approximately 43 layers ;)

    1. Yes - we are debating on packing our hot water bottles! It does get chilly in the middle of the night!

    2. Yes - we are debating on packing our hot water bottles! It does get chilly in the middle of the night!

  2. I did Duke of Edinburgh Award and despise camping as a result. It's the cold I can't bear and think people are brave camping with little ones! Great post!

  3. Look how cute Baby Heidi was!!


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