A Letter to my Mum for Mother's Day

Dear Mum,

Although we are close, I know I don't often tell you how truly thankful I am for everything you do for us. So for Mother's Day this year, rather than buying you a box of chocolates (which I know you won't eat) or a bottle of wine (which I know you won't drink) I wanted to let you know the reasons I am thankful you are my mum.

You have taught me how to be selfless

I really admire that you have given up many years of your life to foster and help children who have been less fortunate than us. Fostering is a very tough job (that I'm sure I wouldn't be able to do) and nobody really understands it until they've been through it themselves. Fostering was a 24/7 job for you. You never really got a break and turned down countless nights out, holidays and trips because of your commitment. However because of your selflessness I am 100% sure you have given somebody a much better start in life.

You babysit and do my ironing

Not only do you babysit whenever I ask but you'll also tackle my ironing pile at the same time without being asked! You know how much I hate ironing and I really appreciate this.

You never judge or criticise

Despite your reservations about some of my ideas you have never once judged or criticised my parenting techniques or ideas - including baby led weaning which I know you were terrified about!

You are the hardest worker I know

Fostering has now been replaced with your full time job as a care worker. At aged 50+ you work 12 hour shifts for 42 hours every week providing care for the elderly (and you're on your feet most of the time). On top of this you are the main carer for my grandad and make sure you phone him every day, visit him daily on your days off and take responsibility for sorting out all of his medication and numerous hospital appointments. You never stop!

You always put other people first

You have numerous health problems yourself and have went through countless operations and procedures but you just get on with it and never moan. However if one of the family is poorly you are the first to help and will be straight over asking if we need anything or you can help in anyway.

The whole family is thankful for your legendery corned beef pie

I just had to include this! The whole family is truly thankful for your legendary corned beef pie which you always bring along to family parties. In fact it is so popular now that you have to bring two along to even a small gathering!

You are a much loved grandma to my children

Harry, Heidi and Jack love coming over to your house for tea (especially as you will always cook them their favourite foods) and always really look forward to their fortnightly sleepover parties (which is also the only time they get their shoes polished as you like to remind me- haha). You will always join us on adventures whatever the weather (even scooting along the beach in December) and will even go around the dreaded softplay centre with the kids whilst I enjoy a cuppa in peace.

You are both a mum and dad to me

My dad isn't in my life anymore but you have more than made up for it. If ever I have a typical 'dad' problem (especially dreaded car trouble) you will always be my first point of call and happily step up to the mark. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being both my mum and dad these past few years, I know it's hard for you but I appreciate it.

Thank you for being a wonderful mum and my true best friend. I know how sad you still feel every day that your mum was sadly taken from us a few years ago and Mother's Day is always a hard day for you but I know grandma will be so proud of how you have looked after my grandad. If I can only be half the mum and person you are I know I'm doing ok.

Happy Mother's Day

Lots of love 

Sam xxxx

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I have linked up with Adventures of A Monkey Footed Mummy #ThankfulThursday as I am truly thankful to have such a lovely mum.
Adventure of a Monkeyfooted Mummy


  1. This is such a lovely post, it brought a tear to my eye!

    Kay xx

  2. Your mum sounds amazing, this is such a lovely post she definitely sounds like she deserves a treat x

  3. What a lovely post, feel really emotional now!

  4. Ahhhh Sam, I love the sound of your Mam - you're so lucky to have her! x

  5. A lovely post. I'm blessed with an amazing mum too!

  6. Thankyou for linking up with #thankfulthursday I love this post

  7. Beautiful and what a wonderful mum, you are truely blessed X

  8. This is just lovely. What a fantastic Mum and a beautiful tribute to her. I'm not sure how I missed reading it initially but I'm glad to have caught up on thankfulthursday,


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