St Mary's Lighthouse, Whitley Bay - My place of calm

There is nothing worse than having a pounding headache and being cooped up inside. If I am suffering from a bad head (as is often the case), I often find it does me some good to take myself off to the North East coast in search of fresh air and calm.

There are many spots of calm across the coastline but I find the benches overlooking St Mary's Lighthouse in Whitley Bay to be a particular quiet place to simply sit and just be.

There is something very calming about taking some time out to focus on watching the tide crash around the rocks below and I find that closing your eyes for a few moments to just listen to the waves as they rhythmically move really helps to relieve any tension you may be feeling.

After 10-15 minutes of fresh sea air, I will usually feel a lot calmer, more at peace and my pounding head will have often eased.

St Mary's Lighthouse can be found here: St Mary's Island Causeway, Whitley Bay NE26 4RS
There are plenty of seats available for you to quietly sit and watch the Sea. Why not visit the next time you feel the need to restore calm in your life.

This #BetterPlaces post is in support of the Syndol Headache Relief find Your Better Place campaign with BritMums. Syndol Headache Relief is now formulated for headaches. Visit for online resources with information about headaches and how to restore calm in your life.

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  1. One of my first seaside adventures in the North East was to St Mary's Lighthouse. It was the Summer back when I thought Simon would be moving to London. I hadn't admitted to him I'd fallen in love with the North East and was so desperately trying to do EVERYTHING I wanted to do in mad weekends, worrying that I'd never return to the North East! That day we climbed the lighthouse (which is amazing - such great views) and then from there walked to Whitley Bay, onto Tynemouth and then to North Shields (we got lost!) to get the ferry over to South Shields .. it was a boiling hot day and we walked miles and miles :)

    1. Oh lovely memories Chloe - did you walk all the way from the lighthouse to North Shields? WOW!

  2. I've just posted a blog about Whitley Bay, great minds and all that jazz ;)

    I've never been to the lighthouse, I should definitely take a look!

    Katie xoxo

    1. I loved your post Katie - I need to visit that place myself now! The lighthouse is a lovely and tranquil place. Definitely worth visiting.

  3. Sounds blissful. There’s something so relaxing and destressing sitting listening to the sea - I wish I lived nearer the coast to make the most of it.

    1. We are very lucky to live within a few miles of the Coast - I really need to make the effort to visit more as we only go every couple of weeks (although more in the Summer)

  4. I heartily agree, when I need to feel calm I go down to the sea, the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks under stormy skies...

  5. What a gem of a place you have near you and your photography is amazing, Stunning pictures, thank you so much for sharing

    1. It really is a gem - I'm really lucky to only live a few miles away x

  6. What a gem of a place you have near you and your photography is amazing, Stunning pictures, thank you so much for sharing

  7. It looks beautiful and a great place to have calm restored.

    1. It certainly is beautiful. It was a really chilly day when we visited but still lovely and tranquil.

  8. This is the kind of place I could happily sit for hours and just watch.

  9. I remember sitting on those benches almost two years ago on a red hot may bank holiday in agony as i thought that a walk from whitley bay town centre to the lighthouse via the beach would be a brilliant idea at 40 weeks pregnant to make me go into labour , needless to say it never worked and i went overdue xx

  10. We all need our havens of peace. Lovely photos x

  11. Happy memories of picnics and rockpooling here when visiting with my beloved auntie Elsie X


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