Planting Spring Bulbs

There has been a definite shift in the weather this week and Spring is definitely in the air. After months of being neglected we were eager to get out into our garden and breath some life back into our outdoor space. Our children love helping out and were keen to get involved so we let them each have their own plant pot which they are going to be responsible for over the coming months. I am hoping this will encourage some sort of responsibility and pride in them.

We were sent a few bags of mystery bulbs from Spalding Bulb (who are celebrating their 70th birthday this year). There is a mystery mix of vegetables and flowers in our bag which is all very exciting. Our children found this very amusing and we have placed our bets on who we think is going to end up with what.

Planting bulbs has been a perfect screen free after school activity for us. It is something that all the family has been involved with and a little project that is going to last throughout the Summer. The children have all promised to water and care for their plants every few days and keep an eye on how they are growing. Follow us on facebook, twitter and instagram to watch for updates.

This Post has been written in collaboration with Spalding Bulb who are celebrating 70 years in gardening.

Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Such a great idea - I was obsessed with planting things when I was a kid, I'd spend hours in the garden playing with the tiny patch my Dad gave me!

    1. Ah I used to do this too - we had our own vegetable patch which was lovely :D

  2. Brilliant! I actually have a huge bag of bulbs and seeds, some of which I need to steep for 6 hours and they're all going in the garden tomorrow, I know what mine are but they're a mix of flowers and vegetables and I like to guess what's springing up as I throw them all in together, I actually love gardens where vegetables/flowers and fruits are mixed in. if I'm honest mine has to be because it's a postage stamp!

    1. We've never really successfully grown our own veg before so maybe if we don't know what they are we'll have better luck :D Good luck with your planting tomorrow x

  3. It's great to get the kids out helping you with the gardening, I usually coax mine out to help with the greenhouse once all the baby animals have moved into the fields. Your three look excited to have their own plant pot each and I bet they're really interested to know who's growing what plant. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

    1. They really are excited - I can't wait to see their progress x

  4. Great idea to plant bulbs, and I love the idea of a mystery vegetable patch!!

    1. A mystery vegetable patch does sound like lots of fun doesn't it :D

  5. What a lovely idea! y boy loves gardening :) xx

    1. Ah thanks - I can't wait to see what flowers/vegetable our plants grow into x

  6. What a lovely idea to give them their own little pot. I still remember my excitement when I was little and given my own corner of the flower bed to plant and care for. Looking forwards to mine being old enough to do this with!

    1. It's a lovely after school activity - we all really enjoyed it x

  7. This is a nice activity to do. We always try to do a bit of gardening though we only have a small terrace. We have pots and we plant herbs and fruits. Last year we got lots of eggplants and we are looking forward to our first harvest of strawberries! #countrykids


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