5 ways to enjoy the great outdoors with the family this Autumn

*This post was originally published in October 2015 and was last updated in September 2023.

I don't know if it's my age, but this year I have really appreciated how beautiful nature can be this autumn.

I've really opened my eyes as I've been taking the children to school or walking the dog and really taken the time to appreciate the colours of the season. 

If you follow North East Family Fun over on instagram you will have noticed my snaps have taken on a very autumnal theme.

5 ways to enjoy the great outdoors with the family this Autumn

I think this time of year is the perfect time to get outside with the family and enjoy some fresh air. The fact that the weather is a little cooler really is no excuse! Here are my top 5 outdoor autumn activities.

1 - Hunt for the Gruffalo and Zog in special Forest Trails

The forestry commission has created special Gruffalo and Zog themed trails in forests around the UK. 

Suitable for all ages,  they are a wonderful way to get outside, spot some of your favourite characters and take part in activities. You can even download a free app take with you.

5 ways to enjoy the great outdoors with the family this Autumn

2 - Book a family adventure experience day

It's always exciting to try something new together as a family and try a new experience such as horse riding, staying overnight in a treehouse or wigwam or even setting a family challenge such as climbing the O2 together.

5 ways to enjoy the great outdoors with the family this Autumn

3 - Wrap up and take a walk along the beach

The beach isn't just for summer. Autumn is actually a wonderful time to visit.

Beaches are often less crowded in the colder months and the whole family will benefit from the fresh air.

We have set a new family project to collect sea glass from every beach we visit and collect in a kilner jar and are keen to get started this month.

5 ways to enjoy the great outdoors with the family this Autumn

4 - Become a nature detective with the woodland trust

The Woodland Trust website is full of exciting ideas for exploring your local woods. 

There are 72 activity ideas to try in autumn for every age group including Fungi ID sheets, nature trails, stick weaving tutorials and a blackberry tea recipe.

5 - Take part in a Treasure trail or Spy Mission

We enjoyed a treasure trail around Corbridge last Summer and thought it was a fantastic way to explore a new town or somewhere local. There are over 1000 trails to choose from on the treasure trail website including 27 trails to try here in the North East.

We are staying on the West coast of Scotland this half term and have already ordered our trail to complete on our first day which will help us get our bearings.

Autumn is definitely a wonderful time to explore the great outdoors. Please let me know your favourite outdoor activities at this time of year.

If you enjoyed this post and are looking for something similar try these:

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5 ways to enjoy the great outdoors with the family this Autumn



  1. I wish I lived in an area where there were more activities in nature like these! I would've loved these as a kid

  2. Wow your Instagram is looking beautiful with all those colours! Autumn is definitely my favourite time of year, I love to wrap up warm and go for a nice long walk followed by a coffee somewhere X

  3. There are some great ideas here. I'm lucky enough to live on the coast. We have some gorgeous sandy beaches but weirdly we rarely go, probably because it's always there. I must make a point of taking the kids down there.

  4. These are all great and fun activities. I love walking along the beach - too bad it's about two hours away from where I live. That being said, we have wonderfulf orestry right where I live.

  5. I would totally be up for tracking down the Gruffalo that sounds like such fun!

  6. They all sound like great fun activities to enjoy as a family :)

  7. These sounds like a lot of fun. I need spots like this around me.

  8. I wished we live nearer the coast as I would love to go more often. We do have a Gruffalo Trail near us though and my daughter loves going there to explore

  9. The hunt for the Gruffalo sounds like so much fun x

  10. Similar to others, I must say, I also wish I had an opportunity to do this kind of activities outdoors. I also cant stand cold, for me, 15 degrees is veryyyy cold so I guess the only activity I can provide myself this autumn is a walk to jacuzzi and swimming pool 15 mins from my house.


  11. Aww this is a nice post. I need to do more outdoor activities!

  12. Such great ideas and totally doable - we love hunting for the Gruffalo - there are a few places in South Wales to do that - Autumn is amazing for getting outdoors

    Laura x

  13. Autumn really is a beautiful season, love your photos.

  14. Oooo perfect! Thank you for posting this hun - I need to take Hayden on the Gruffalo trail. Looks like the nearest trail is in Essex (Thames Chase)
    Looks brilliant.
    Charlotte x

  15. I love autumn activities, we;ve just come back from a beach break and it was so nice to walk along the coast all wrapped up x

  16. We are lucky enough to live near several fantastic beaches, and love walks along them this time of year - and in our woodlands too. Kaz x

  17. I do love Autumn especially being out in the woods - we've done a few of the trails but those activities will come in really handy as well.


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