Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Gemmies Design Studio is a new creative brand from Character Options. The Design Studio is aimed at children aged 6-9 years old and comes with an RRP of £29.99. Heidi was delighted to be asked to put the studio through it's paces this week and let our readers know her thoughts.

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Gemmies Design Stuidio is nice and easy to set up and comes with a bumper pack of different coloured beads, jewels, tools, 5 design instructions and various connectors.

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

The studio tidies away nice and easily and Heidi has already found a home for her studio on her bedroom desk.

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

The aim of Gemmies is to create lots of sparkly collectables using the beads and jewels provided that can be enjoyed and displayed once used. There is a light on the Gemmie's studio where you can properly display your creations, however this requires batteries (which weren't included and we didn't have) so if you give this as a gift - make sure you also buy batteries.

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

You simply roll one of the clear bands over the main tool until it clips in place.....

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

......and then clip the beads in place. You can make your own designs or follow the designs included. Heidi decided to create her very own teddy bear.

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

The task in hand was fiddly, and the instructions fairly complicated for a beginner (they get easier the more you practice) but Heidi persevered.

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Creating her teddy bear gripped Heidi's attention for a good hour or so.

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

I clearly don't have as much patience as my daughter and noticed that there were online tutorials which I thought might have speeded the process along a little. Unfortunately, the teddy bear tutorial isn't available just yet. Grrrrr! I tried to persuade Heidi to make something else that did have an online tutorial but no she wanted to the teddy bear so soldiered on. There are lots of good tutorials here if you interested.

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

We're getting there......

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

Here is Heidi's final teddy bear. Erm......she is pleased with it and that's the main thing. I personally think we should have started with something easier.

Gemmies Design Studio - A Review

There are plenty of gems and jewels included but if you do need to purchase more, the Gemmies Activity Pack (£9.99) will top up your collection.

Heidi spent 60 - 90 minutes creating a teddy bear using Gemmies Design Studio and said that although it was tricky, she enjoyed it and it was fun. I can see her using this design studio time and time again. Personally, I found it to be quite difficult to follow and I think adult supervision is definitely required for younger children, once older children get the hang of it though, they will fly and I'm sure many and hour will be spent creating weird and wonderful creations.

Find out more here:

Disclosure: We were sent this product in return for an honest review. 


  1. Oh I used to love these kind of things as a kid. Fab post!

  2. This looks so fun and creative - definitely something I'd have wanted when I was a kid!

    Milly | Mini Adventures

  3. Wow your little one did a great job there. I bet my girls would love this too ;-)

  4. This is so fun! I love her hair! She is a cutie!

    xoxo, Candice Nikeia

  5. This is so neat. I think this is a wonderful way for children to express their creativity.

  6. We tried this and give up, very tricky and need a lot of patience. The beads just kept snapping off


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