Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Captain Raggy Beard

Manor Walks Shopping Centre and Concordia Leisure Centre in Cramlington, Northumberland team up every year to put on a fantastic Pirates & Princesses day on the green between the two centres. It is always a lovely day out for the kids and a lot of it is FREE family fun which gets the thumbs up from us. After catching an early morning viewing of Finding Dory at Vue and enjoying a quick al fresco coffee at F&B's, we headed over the join in the fun.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - FREE Face Painting by Izzy's Face Painting

First up was face painting by Izzy's Face Painting. This was completely free of charge and Heidi was super chuffed to be transformed into a Pirate Cat.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - FREE Face Painting by Izzy's Face Painting

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - FREE Face Painting by Izzy's Face Painting

Then we were itching to head over to the special beach area. Although we only live a couple of miles away from the coast, my kids can never resist burying their toes the sand. This was also FREE and there were plenty of buckets and spades available to use.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Sand Pit

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Buckets and Spades

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Buckets and Spades

Fairground rides were £2 per child which I do find expensive but it seems to be the norm at these kind of events - I begrudgingly paid £6 for the kids to ride the teacups. YIKES! I didn't mind too much though as other activities were free so it kind of balanced out.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Teacups

Then it was onto the shuggy boats, also £2 per child but this did seem like better value as H&J were on them for more than 10 minutes and had lots of fun.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Shuggy Boats

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Shuggy Boats

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Shuggy Boats

There were a couple of concession stands. We headed to the Tall Ships area and were told all about parking for the event at the end of the month which was useful as we are planning on visiting.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Tall Ships Stand

We also headed over to the Northumberland Wildlife Trust where we took part in their tombola. No winners but we were given cute badges as a consolation prize. The Northumberland Wildlife Trust have lots of events planned over summer, you can find out more here. 

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Northumberland Wildlife Trust

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Northumeberland Wildlife Trust

Manor Walks were asking people to donate empty pop bottles and build a boat together. I think it looks pretty impressive considering it's made of rubbish! Look out for the boat making an appearance at the Tall Ships on the Manor Walks stand.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - pop bottle boat

A mini stage was at the centre of all the action and there was lots going on from Zumba classes to party dances and story telling.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks

Oh and we met the Nandos Cramlington (check out our review of Cramlington Nandos here) mascot. A bit surreal posing for pics with a giant chicken! They had lots of free samples and balloons to giveaway too.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Nandos chicken

Finally, and perhaps the star of the show, Pirate school and Pirate storytelling led by Captain Raggy Beard himself. The kids loved it.

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Captain Raggy Beard Storytelling

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Captain Raggy Beard Storytelling

Pirates & Princesses Day at Manor Walks - Captain Raggy Beard Storytelling

We had a fantastic afternoon at Pirate & Princesses Day. Most of our day was completely free of charge. We spent £10 on fairground rides, £2 on sweets and £1 on tombola. All of this fun for only £13 seems like pretty good value to me.

Disclosure: Collaborative Post. 


  1. Aww your family is so beautiful! I am so glad you all had a wonderful time! - love the face paint!

    xoxo, Candice

  2. This looks like such a fun day and you pictures are lovely! I'm with you on the price of fairground rides!

  3. This looks like such a fun day! I went to Astley Park today, loved it there, it's a beautiful place!

  4. Oh how nice! It looks like there was plenty to do. I love the pirate storytelling!

  5. That looks like a super day out! My kids would love to attend something like that.

  6. Can't believe that most of the day was free, such a great event. Love the face painting, your daughter looks great with her pirate cat paints x

  7. Face painting is so much fun even for adults, but especially for kids :)

    1. Yeah - I had my face painted last weekend at a bloggers picnic x

  8. So glad you had a wonderful time, the face paint looks brilliant. What a great day out.

  9. What an absolutely awesome looking day - I think I would have been tempted to be a pirate myself lol.

  10. What a fabulous event! That man truly looks like Mr Smee! Your children look like they had an absolutely amazing day x

  11. This looks like a fab day out and an amazing day out x

  12. What a wonderful event and day out, looks like the kids are having such a lovely time.

  13. that looks like a lot of fun! I bet kids would love it!

  14. How lovely that you were able to have so much fun at an amazing event. It's always nice when these things are free so money can be spent on the important things like rides and sweets lol

  15. It sounds like you had fun. My friend's son would have loved it :)

  16. What an amazing day!! Your kids look so happy, seems like great place!

  17. AAAhhh that looks like a great day out I bet your kids had a fabulous time x

  18. What a fun day out! If I had children, I would absolutely take them here xxx

  19. Wow this looks absolutely amazing! What a fabulous set of ideas :)

  20. Such a great guide, it's so easy to forget something important.


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