It's time to buy new school shoes - is it worth investing in quality?

I can't believe there are less than 2 weeks of the school holidays left! Time certainly does fly when you're having fun. Although I have struggled with work-life balance at times, overall we've had a fantastic summer break. It's time to start thinking about getting back into our routine now though (oh how I'm going to miss our lie ins!). I've already sorted the kids' uniforms and PE kits but now it's time to start thinking about school shoes.

It's time to buy new school shoes - is it worth investing in quality? - Startrite boys' Rhino Shoes Review

I have the same debate with myself every year - should I buy cheap £10 shoes from the supermarket or is it worth investing a little bit more cash and buying shoes of a higher quality that will last? My mum is always quick to remind me that school shoes need a bit of investment and I have to say I agree.

It's time to buy new school shoes - is it worth investing in quality? - Startrite boys' Rhino Shoes Review

In my 7 years of buying school uniform, I have learned from my mistakes and now know where you can cut corners and where you need to invest. You can get away with cheaper PE kits and sandshoes, buying shirts from a budget range and inexpensive skirts and trousers (as long as they are crease free) however I think the two things you really need to invest in are a good quality winter coat and a decent pair of school shoes.

It's time to buy new school shoes - is it worth investing in quality? - Startrite boys' Rhino Shoes Review

We walk 1.5 miles to school (and then 1.5 miles back) in ALL weathers so it's very important to me that my children's school shoes are comfortable, warm and waterproof. They also need to be very durable. Harry walks to school by himself sometimes and has a horrible habit of scraping his toes so shoes that can withstand this treatment are always going to get the thumbs up from me.

It's time to buy new school shoes - is it worth investing in quality? - Startrite boys' Rhino Shoes Review

Towards the end of last term, Harry tested out these Rhino Warrior Black Leather Shoes by Startrite. They are at the very top of my budget at £55 but I think they are 100% worth it. For starters, he wore them for 1 month straight before breaking up from school and there is not a single mark on them. They are definitely super tough. Shoes I've bought him from a supermarket in the past would be falling apart or at least in need of a polish by now. In fact this has just reminded me of the time I decided to try and save a bit of cash by buying cheaper shoes and I was mortified when the sole fell off at school and the teacher had to use an elastic band to keep Harry's shoe together until I picked him up! I've definitely learned my lesson! Never again do I want to be in that situation!

It's time to buy new school shoes - is it worth investing in quality? - Startrite boys' Rhino Shoes Review

Startrite shoes look smart, are breathable, flexible and keep Harry's feet dry - I couldn't ask for more! They are also super durable and I have no doubt they will last a good 6 months - perhaps even longer. So back to my original question, is it worth investing in your children's school shoes? My answer is definitely yes! They are one of the items you definitely don't want to be cutting corners with, especially if you want to avoid your children's teacher having to explain why your son's shoes are wrapped in elastic bands when you pick him up - CRINGE!

We were sent a pair of Rhino Warrior Shoes in return for an honest review. 
Family Fever


  1. I can't believe there's only 2 weeks of the summer holidays left either - WOW that's flown! I remember before school my mum would always buy us new school shoes for the year and I used to get so excited about it. I think it's definitely worth investing in a good pair :)

  2. Yes I agree. We won't scrimp on shoes at all. Especially at the age my kids are with their feet in a crucial development stage. Lots of the supermarket ones are really flat and have poor support or none at all. We tend to go to Clarks but I have heard great things about Startrite. The only reason we haven't tried them already is they tend not to have stores where we shop

  3. Definitely get a good pair of shoes. Comfortable feet is very important and theres nothing worse than a blister x

  4. Now I love startrite shoes, but foe the last two years we have bought Asda school shoes and have been very impressed but our school run is a very short walk unlike yours

  5. I think it is always worth buying the best you can afford, my Daughter could not wear Clarkes but was fine with Startrite. I have also got cheaper shoes if near the end of term.

  6. I must agree with you. I buy cheap clothing items but spend more on their shoes.

  7. I agree that quality counts with shoes - comfort is really important as you only get one pair of feet!

  8. I have to be honest and say the last time I bought school shoes I bought cheap ones from Asda, and they only lasted about 6 weeks. To be fair I only needed them to make it to the end of term because his others had ripped, after lasting for most of the term, but investing is always a better option I think!

  9. Our kids in Scotland have already gone back to school, would you believe! Good shoes are important, I believe.

  10. These shoes look great. I need to get Sylvia some back to school shoes soon and have not heard of this company before. Angela from Daysinbed :)

  11. How quickly has the summer gone by! Crazy - a good pair of schools is most definitely important. x

  12. My eldest daughter is about to start school next week and I think the school shoes have been what she is most excited about buying. I agree with going for an investment purchase, I think you learn as a parent it always ends up being the right choice. We love Startrite shoes anyway, so I will check out their school range for girls. x #triedtested

  13. I totally agree that you need to invest in good shoes and winter coat for children. I only ever buy more quality ones for my own children , I don't think I have ever brought supermarket ones. I find that of you spend that little bit more they tend to last the whole term. Xx


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