Our Autumn Bucket List

I am one of those people who can't decide which season is my favourite - although I LOVE Christmas and it is my birthday in December, the fact that I hate snow and the cold weather means that it's definitely not winter. I do however love the promise of spring where the flowers start to bloom and the sun starts to re-appear from it's winter sleep.

I don't think spring is my favourite season either though as I just don't have the same love in my heart as I do for summer and autumn. I adore summer. For me, nothing beats the feeling of the warm sunshine on your face, the feeling of digging your toes in the sand, ice creams, beer gardens, picnics, playing outside, fish and chips.....I love it all.  I never feel sad when summer ends though as I know my other favourite season is about to begin. There is something about autumn that I just can't help but love. For me, it's not too cold so you need to hibernate but the crisp air, blue skies and crunchy leaves on the ground are the perfect conditions for a long country walk. Autumn brings us bonfires, fireworks, Halloween, comfort food, new boots and coats, candles, coziness, hot chocolate, good tv.......the list in endless. I intend to enjoy every second of autumn so if you ever spy me moaning about it, you have my permission to give me a good shake.

Our Autumn Bucket List

Take a long walk in the woods
This is a bit of a tradition for us but I usually take the kids to Plessey woods in the autumn and we collect leaves to make a tree collage at home. It's always lots of fun.

Make Proper Hot Chocolates 
As a one-off Friday night treat after school I'm going to treat the kids to proper hot chocolates - there will be no expense spared. I'll make them with proper chocolate drops, whole milk, squirty cream, marshmallows, a flake........Perfect!

Buy New Boots
This one is just for me but I always like to treat myself to a new pair of boots in the autumn. I have my eye on these Whisper Boots from HotterUK. Aren't they dreamy!

Plan an AWESOME October Half Term
We usually go away during October Half Term but this year Steve is working for most of it so unfortunately a week away isn't on the cards this year. That's not to say it won't be awesome though. I am planning a trip to The Dark Garden at Alnwick Garden which is a dramatic after-hours interactive experience plus we'll be popping into Alnwick Castle to catch the medieval alchemist, crafts, broomstick training and jester performances.

After reading so much about Preston Park we are planning a trip to their Half Term Hocus Pocus event. There's the chance to go shopping in their very own Diagon Alley, visit mystical owls plus broomstick training and potion making. Sounds fab! Finally, we will also be signing up to lots of Juice Festival Activities (WindyBops and the Day of the Dead are two that have caught our eye) and ending our week with a trip to the Digital Kids Show.

Spend Time with Friends
Everyone seems to be less busy in autumn compared to summer so I will be using this to my advantage and making sure I spend lots of time with friends. I already have a weekend booked at St Mary's Inn for Chloe and Simon's wedding, have planned a Halloween cocktail party and have booked a trip to The Kings Lodge Inn with Chloe and Katie. Lots to look forward to.

Watch Fireworks
We don't have any plans for bonfire night at the moment however last year we visited Lightwater Valley and loved it so depending on Steve's shifts we may do that again. Whatever happens though, I definitely want to watch a display somewhere.

Celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary
We celebrate 10 years of marriage this November. WOW where does the time go! We have actually booked a break to Cuba next year to celebrate so won't be too extravagant in our celebrations but I do think we'll head out for a nice lunch somewhere - let me know if you have any suggestions.

Eat lots of Comfort Food
I cannot wait to get my slow cooker out of hibernation. Mince and Dumplings, Steak Pie, Apple Crumble.....mmmm it's all the cards!

Go Blackberry Picking
The kids are always asking to do this but it's been a few years since we had the chance. This year I am determined we will do it! Let me know where the best places to go are as I don't have a clue.

So there you have our autumn bucket list - I simply can't wait. Let me know what you have planned this season too.



  1. There is so much to be looking forward to for when autumn arrived this month. Hot chocolates and long walks sounds so romantic ;)

  2. I love the sound of The Dark Garden! And congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! It's our next year and we are planning a big holiday too xx

  3. I noticed bill Quay Farm has loads of blackberry bushes yesterday but we just head down the road where we have some wild blackberries

  4. Wow, 10 years, congratulations. I think Autumn is a nice season, it can still be warm and the changes are fun. So much to look forward too! x

  5. Used to love to go blackberry picking up along the country roads and then my Gran would make the most fabulous jam with it . Your post brings back lots of happy memories x

  6. So many good things to do! I can't wait to drink hot chocolate again :)

  7. Love the sound of the hot chocolate making, I might have to give that a go too. I think Spring is my favourite season, the start of the warmer weather arriving, but not too hot that I spend all night struggling to sleep.

  8. Are you telling me summer is over already? I'm pretty sure it snuck past me because I didn't see it at all this year!
    Me and the Mr. went blackberry picking last week, we ended up making jam (3 jars!) I hope you get a chance to this year, make a day of it and take a picnic basket! :)

  9. I love the idea of an autumn bucket list and will definitely try to go blackberry picking too!

  10. I really love autumn, sounds like you have some lovely plans in place.

  11. I'm so excited for autumn! Buying some new boots is at the top of my list also.
    Amelia | ameliamaryx

  12. Buying new boots is on my list of things to do as well, my current ones have holes in!

  13. Congratulations on you upcoming Anniversary! What a fab itinerary, it sounds great fun! Autumn is my favourite season and like you the thought of comfort food has already had me making a Chicken one pot today (it's sunny I know but couldn't help it) Definitely make time to blackberry pick...perfect for Apple and blackberry crumble. I hope your kids enjoy the broomstick training, I know my grandkids did. It's Ron's 'big birthday' in October so we're going on holiday to celebrate followed by a house party (I'll have to nick some of your cocktail recipes) and a wedding!! Happy times 😁

  14. Such fun! Autumn and winter are my favourites. Love catching up with friends after the summer busy-ness, too.

  15. i would love to go blackberry picking as i love blackberries. ive only been strawberry picking but thats only a summer thing XD

  16. I love autumn days and hot chocolate and hearty meals are the staple! Our school usually does an amazing firework display. Can't wait x

  17. This got me excited about Autumn. I love Autumn too. I just love that we live somewhere where we do have changing seasons, just as I'm bored we have something new. I love so much of the things you have planned although you are way more organised than me! I also like to buy new boots in Autumn! Again, we have so much in common. I bet you have a blast at Kingslodge with Katie and Chloe, a lovely group of lasses having a chin wag, nothing beats it! I think we'll be going to Preston park then too!

  18. I just adore this bucket list I am so so excited for this season and I am already planning bonfire night and Halloween x

    Miss Kitty Kaos - Adventures Of A Riot Grrrl

  19. I love autumn too! It's the abundance of colourful leaves that I look forward to. (Already turning here.)Hopefully on your walks you will find the blackberries. If you do, be sure to make muffins with them - these are wonderful.

  20. I'm definitley stealing some of these ideas!! My kids love blackberry picking so thats definitley on the list! Today was super hot so we had a picnic at the park but then we wondered and found loads pf autumn leaves and things and they were consumed for ages!!

  21. Congrats on the anniversary! Autumn is my fave time of the year, leafy walks, orange landscapes and new winter boots!

    Cat x

  22. What a great list , I hope you achieve most of it.

  23. Sounds like a great Autumn wishlist, I want to go on more walks and go through the leaves in the woods x

  24. Your Autumn is bound to be a lot of fun. I can't wait for the leaves to start changing here.

  25. I love Autumn. I think it is a beautiful season.

  26. Love reading bucket lists, this is a super cute one too!

  27. I'm writing this from a holiday in Majorca so not quite in autumn mode yet, but this made me quite excited about getting my cosy jumpers and my new ankle boots out.

  28. Congrats on the upcoming anniversary!
    Autumn is my favourite time of the year, I love any excuse to buy winter clothes, especially a new hat and scarf!

  29. Pies and boots - a girl after my own heart! Already ordered my boots for this autumn :)

  30. I love this! I am going to write one myself. Fireworks is a big one for me as I always seem to miss to town firework display - not this year!

  31. It looks like you have lots planned. I love this post :)

  32. It is a good time to eat lots of comfort food and make blackberry pies.

  33. Ooh I love this idea and you are going to have a fab Autumn if you get through it x

  34. Looks like you've got a fantastic autumn ahead of you as a family! enjoy! xxx

  35. Great list of things to do. I have been picking blackberries already. Alnwick gardens sounds fab


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