Encouraging our children into science

I have blogged about this issue before but it is something really close to my heart. I LOVED studying science at school and studied Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology A Levels. I find it really sad that women make up just 12% of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) workforce, that the UK has the lowest percentage of female engineering professionals in Europe and the number of girls studying physics has stayed the same for quite some time.

Encouraging our children into science - Project Mc2 experiment dolls review

Whilst I would never force science down Heidi's neck, I do make a conscious effort to make sure science, computing and math is discussed with her in a normal way just like I do with my boys. I don't particularly have ambitions of Heidi growing up to be a scientist but I do want her to grow up without any barriers and I want her to understand that she can follow any of her passions and her gender should not come into it. I guess I just want to normalise girls working in this industry.

Encouraging our children into science - Project Mc2 experiment dolls review

We were recently asked if Heidi would like to review a doll from the hit Netflix show Project Mc2. The girls in this show are all about encouraging tween girls (and boys) that it's cool to be smart and enjoy S.T.E.A.M subjects (science, technology, engineering, art and maths). Heidi has recently started watching the show and loves it. I am really happy that Heidi is watching Project Mc2 and I am confident the show is sending out the right messages to our children (well anything is better than endless Minecraft videos featuring Stampy Longnose). Check out the season 2 trailer below:

Heidi was sent Ember to review and I think you'll agree - they actually look alike! Ember is the science-based doll and comes complete with a botanical garden kit. 

Encouraging our children into science - Project Mc2 experiment dolls review

It's pretty cool seeing your children holding a pipette and it just being 'normal' or part of their role playing games. Heidi is turning into quite the gardener. Do you remember the seeds we planted at Gibside last month? Well Heidi has been caring for them and they are still alive! Hurrah! Heidi's next project is to add some rocks, seeds and soil to her Terrarium (an aquarium for plants) that is part of the set and watch the water cycle in action.

Encouraging our children into science - Project Mc2 experiment dolls review

Encouraging our children into science - Project Mc2 experiment dolls review

It is slightly annoying that you have to head out and buy extras (such as seeds) for the Terrarium experiment, I would have loved to have seen it included so we could get started straight away. Heidi is already making a mental note of our shopping list and can't wait to get started.

Encouraging our children into science - Project Mc2 experiment dolls review

Encouraging our children into science - Project Mc2 experiment dolls review

Encouraging our children into science - Project Mc2 experiment dolls review

Project Mc2 Experiment Dolls have an RRP of £24.99. There are five to collect including a glitter bulb experiment, bath fizz creator, a panda speaker (where you make an electrical circuit), puffy paint creator and of course, Ember's garden. I think this is a fair price for the set and is an ideal gift for tweenagers that will encourage them to think about science without realising it.

Disclosure: We were sent this product in return for an honest review


  1. I come from a scientific background so I'm all over this. I think it's a wonderful thing to encourage.

  2. what a brilliant thing to encourage! I used to like science at school :)

  3. Oh I love this! We need more women in science, so I love that you're encouraging your daughter :)

  4. This is fab. Good you are encouraging your daughter to go into science.

  5. Only 12% !! I think it's amazing you're encouraging her, it's just a nudge and she may develop a taste for it in the future. x

  6. I think it is so important to encourage kids to do science. I loved it when I was younger.

  7. Such fun - science was a real favourite of mine to teach!

  8. This doll looks brilliant but it is a shame that you need to buy extras. x

  9. I really wasn't keen on Science at school but want to encourage my children too, this looks fab

  10. I've been hearing good things about these dolls and everyone is loving them X.

  11. Have you heard of Little house Of Science? I'm only asking as I actually work for them (doing their digital marketing) and I think your little girl would love their science workshops! Drop me a tweet or email and we can discuss this further as I don't want to spam your comment box. I just thought it might be helpful for you. xx // @annanuttall

  12. I used to love the sciences too. I took them all individually and think it's great that girls are being encouraged to take note of these subjects.

  13. This is such a cool toy - young girls should definitely be encouraged to explore worlds that are traditionally considered 'boys' things!

    Milly // Mini Adventures

  14. This is so great! I used to love science (I still do but never really did anything with it) Toys like that are the best thing to get kids into it, I had something similar where you did experiments and then I was forever asking for a telescope and all sorts :D

  15. i do love how they've incorporated it with a doll too. makes it a lot more fun

  16. I think it's really important to encourage kids across all subjects especially those with more academic backgrounds x

  17. Variety is key. Find out what she likes and is good at and master it.

  18. I love the focus on STEM with the Project Mc2 show and the dolls. The terrarium project that came with this doll is so cool.

  19. This is a great idea, but it should have contained heads thats mad. Its so important to teach our children they can be anything they want to be x

  20. I wasn't keen on science at school so I love they have included a doll to encourage girls

  21. Shame about the lack of seeds but I've just seen this advertised and think they are a fab step forward. Will have to check out the Netflix show too!


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