Why I Love Steve's Sensitive Side - A Collaboration with Braun Series 3 ProSkin

*This is a collaborative post and contains affiliate links

The new Braun Series 3 ProSkin is a real hero for sensitive skin, and launching just in time for Father’s Day it’s the perfect gift for sensitive dads. I’ve partnered with Braun to tell you about some of the times when Steve has shown his sensitive side.

Why I Love Steve's Sensitive Side - A Collaboration with Braun Series 3 ProSkin

It's a running joke in our family that I apparently have a heart of stone - I didn't feel at all close to tears on my Wedding Day and did not feel overwhelmed with emotion after the birth of any of my children either. I was just pleased it was all over to be honest. Steve, on the other hand is the complete opposite to me and I'll often catch him with a little tear in his eye and it seems to be happening more often now he's getting older. Steve is a hard-working geordie man who loves nothing more than drinking a pint in the pub but I love that he also has a sensitive side to his personality. It was only this week we were watching Loose Women over lunch when they featured this video of a 10 year old asking his stepdad to officially adopt him and Steve started rolling his eyes at yet another 'viral video'. By the end of it though we had a little giggle as he couldn't help but shed a tear or as he likes to say 'had something in his eye'.  

Why I Love Steve's Sensitive Side - A Collaboration with Braun Series 3 ProSkin

Our wedding day at Linden Hall over 10 years ago was a day that I'll never forget. I was just 22 years old and Steve was 25 - he was very much your typical lad from Wallsend and enjoyed nothing more than going out to the Bigg Market with his mates every weekend. I don't think I'd ever actually seen him cry before this point. So imagine when my surprise as I walked up the aisle and watched as welled up and couldn't stop the tears. From this point on, there was no stopping him.

Why I Love Steve's Sensitive Side - A Collaboration with Braun Series 3 ProSkin

I love that Steve has a sensitive side and isn't afraid to show it and I think it doesn't matter what your gender is, if you need to cry, just let it out. It does you good! 

We're huge fans of the TV show Gogglebox and usually watch every Friday with a glass of wine or two. It's part of our weekly routine that we'll have a little bet now - who will cry first? Steve or one of the cast. 

Why I Love Steve's Sensitive Side - A Collaboration with Braun Series 3 ProSkin

Over the years Steve's sensitivity has definitely worked in my favour. He can sense when I'm feeling emotional and will often surprise me with random bunches of flowers (or bottles of wine) as he's thoughtful like that and I wouldn't have him any other way. I'm proud that Steve's a #SensitiveDad and feel that fathers can absolutely be sensitive too, just like their skin.

The New Braun Series 3 ProSkin 

The new S3 ProSkin has advanced MicroComb technology which guides beard hairs into the cutting element of the trimmer reducing overall shaving time and thus skin irritation. To offer a comfortable shave three independently floating cutting elements and two SensoFoils adapts to every facial contour to offer a comfortable shave.

Why I Love Steve's Sensitive Side - A Collaboration with Braun Series 3 ProSkin
  • The ProSkin offers men with sensitive skin efficiency and comfort
  • The advanced MicroComb technology guides beard hairs into the cutting element of the trimmer reducing overall shaving time and thus skin irritation
  • To offer a comfortable shave three independently floating cutting elements and two SensoFoils adapts to every facial contour to offer a comfortable shave
  • The ProSkin is perfect for time-poor dads who want fuss-free results from their shave. Over 50% of men across the globe are being held back by sensitive skin
  • Men (30%) hate 3 things most when it comes to their skin: spots, dryness and redness
  • Two-thirds of men have delayed shaving because of their skin being sensitive. What they don’t realise is that a key element to maintain smooth skin is a shaver! 

It's not long until Father's Day and I think the ProSkin will make a perfect gift for a sensitive man in your life. Let me know if you have any stories of a time when a man in your life showed his sensitive side.

Disclosure: I’m working in a paid relationship with Braun and BritMums on their #SensitiveDads campaign. Fathers can be sensitive too, just like their skin. The new S3 ProSkin has advanced MicroComb technology which reduces overall shaving time and thus skin irritation


  1. Oh bless him! I would love to say that I'm not an emotional person, but I'm pretty much a marshmallow inside ;) Gorgeous wedding photos!

    Stevie x

  2. I think it is lovely that your partner is sensitive and that means he is the perfect fit for the sensitive dads campaign. Lovely x

  3. I think it's wonderful that he lets some of those emotions show even if he does claim he has something in his eye.

  4. Aww how lovely. Love seeing your wedding photos too. As a feminist, part of one of the things I advocate for is for men not to be constrained by patriarchal gender roles too. Men should be able to display emotion. Machismo cultures are not good or healthy. Well done Steve.

    1. Definitely agree with your points - I would hate for Steve to feel like he couldn't show his emotion x

  5. Ha! he comes from a very sensitive family. I.e me at your wedding and me after the birth of Harry haha. And my mam and my dad lol 😢😢😢 We all shed a tear at googlebox too, and the soaps and the dramas and the games shows and the adverts!! Bunch of cry babies 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
    Brian's a softie too, not at the TV but defo at our wedding and emilys birth.

    1. HAHA he does indeed! Who knew Gogglebox would be the source of so many tears!

  6. Love this! I think it's so important that men show their sensitive side, having a little cry is so good for you! I feel very lucky that Simon isn't worried about showing his sensitive side (although no one believes me when I say that it was him crying that set me off as I walked down the aisle!) - although he has nothing on me, I cry all the time!


    1. Ah I actually can't imagine Simon crying! It's nice to know he has a sensitive side x

  7. Alwaysknew he was a good egg! I love this post

  8. Aww bless him hes a keeper! *hearts*

  9. I loved reading this! Ian doesn't cry but he can be very thoughtful.

    1. I think it's just as ok to not cry as it is to cry if that makes sense? We're all different and that's what makes us special xx

  10. Ah you were only 22 like me! Child brides 😂 What a cute post x alan is much softer than me. Heart of stone 😂

    1. I was indeed - I'd love to see one of your wedding pics too xx

  11. I love that he wells up at Googlebox. Wonderful! #SensitiveDads

  12. How lovely that he knows in advance when you need some flowers and surprised you with them or a bottle of wine (even better lol)! That is really nice! Definitely a keeper! ;-) x #SensitiveDads

  13. Got to love a man who treats you but even more lovely that he just senses when you are feeling emotional. Thanks for posting on behalf of BritMums

  14. I think it's lovely for men to show their emotions. Why not? And you looked so gorgeous on your wedding day Sam, no wonder Steve welled up!

  15. Awww that is so lovely. I am usually the crier in our household but my husband definitely shows hi sensitive side too. It is lovely to hear about other #SensitiveDads :)

  16. Haha awwww this is so lovely, I LOVE that he cried on your wedding day!! <3

  17. Ahh this is so lovely Sam, especially the welling up over your wedding day and when the kids were born. I think it's great they show their sensitive side x

  18. He obviously is the perfect balance to you! I have lots of relatives in Wallsend!

  19. I agree I think it's really healthy to show your sensitive side regardless of gender!c Also those shavers are ace - my partner uses it and loves it

    Laura x


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