89% of people in the UK do not drink enough water - are you one of them?

*This is a paid collaboration

I was shocked to learn recently that 89% of us living in the UK don't drink enough water to keep us hydrated. I know I can count myself in this list too. I tend to go through phases of being really conscious about drinking lots of water and on some sort of health kick but sadly this is matched by my equally unhealthy phases of drinking too much coffee or sugary drinks. Obviously this isn't ideal for my long-term health. 

There are countless benefits to drinking water. These include:

  • Increasing energy
  • Flushing out toxins
  • Improving skin
  • Boosts immune system
  • Improves brain function
  • Can help prevent headaches
  • Can help with weight loss
The benefits clearly speak for themselves. AQUA PLUS is a young German company with an ambition to get people to drink more water. They don't want to replace water with their water enhancers, just encourage people to drink more of it. I've been trying out their water enhancing products over the last few weeks and actually, it has worked for me so far and I've found myself consciously thinking that I should opt for water instead of a sugary alternative. The fact that I can add a squirt of AQUA PLUS to ensure it tastes nice certainly helps. 

A little about AQUA PLUS:

  • A natural alternative to the usual 'no added sugar' drinks
  • Free of sugar and calories
  • Uses natural sweeteners derived from Stevia plants - perfect for those who wish to reduce their sugar intake
  • Contains all natural ingredients. No aspartame or artificial colours
  • Makes 75 drinks with one small bottle - the bottles are only 30ml and perfect to pop in your bag and take to work
  • Many flavours are suitable for Vegans and Gluten free

AQUA PLUS is available in a range of flavours and it's fair to say there's a flavour for everyone. The kids love them too and Jack has been asking for AQUA PLUS Cherry in a glass of water instead of his normal orange juice with his dinner every night this week. For me, it's the raspberry flavour that I like the most. Steve really likes the Mango flavour. You can add as much or little of Aqua Plus as you like too. Jack loves his Cherry drink to be made quite strong. Flavours include:
  • Raspberry
  • Grapefruit
  • Mango
  • Elderflower
  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • Cherry Blackcurrant

I'd recommend giving AQUA PLUS a try if you're conscious you need to drink more water. This little kick of flavour might be just what you need to keep motivated and drink more water. I'd also highly recommend finding a flavour your kids like too. Sometimes my kids love drinking water but other times (especially when we're out for the day and they spy fruit shoots or capri suns for sale), they won't entertain the idea. I know now that the Cherry AQUA PLUS is just as appealing to Jack as a bottle of regular fruit squash and will just keep it in my bag to add a few drops to a bottle of water when we're out and about. It's good to know that this is a 100% natural product that encourages the whole family to stay hydrated.

As a final note, AQUA PLUS is actually clear when it's added to water. If you fancy a bit of fun with the family, try a blind taste test and see if they can guess the flavours.



  1. oh I love the look of this and since i have started weight loss i am getting through masses of water but getting bored! This looks like it could liven it right up!

  2. I'm definitely one of them, unless coffee and Diet Coke count! I really ought to get some of these enhancers as it might encourage me to drink more water.

  3. I love the idea of the blind taste test with the family, my kids would love this. They look fab and would certainly help one of my children drink more. Mich x

  4. I love the sound of a natural alternative. I always wonder what baddies are in no sugar drinks!

  5. These looks great. I definitely don’t drink enough water so might have to give these a try


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