I have been asked a few times for suggestions for restaurants / pubs / cafes with covered or heated outdoor seating areas. I decided to ask my social media followers for their recommendations and was inundated with suggestions. Below are the top picks. Hope you find them useful.
Just a little disclaimer before we jump in. I have not visited all of these places personally but they have been recommended by my followers. Please always check up-to-date details with the venue direct before making plans as areas and facilities can change. Some venues may require pre-booking. Also keep in mind that venues may have to temporarily close at the last minute.
There were a few recommendations that did not make this list and that is usually because I could find no mention of outdoor areas on the venue's Social Media or website. If you are a venue with an outdoor space, please do yourself a favour and share photos and information across your channels regularly. It is what your customers are looking for. Sharing vital info like this is FREE and takes 5 minutes! If I was in charge, I would be changing your Facebook header photo to a lovely image of your covered outdoor space.
Anyway, rant over.
You can see the full list of recommendations on Facebook here.
I haven't been able to find an official statement re: what is actually classed as an indoor / outdoor space. I reckon a couple of the places mentioned here could actually be classed as indoor. If in doubt, please do your own research first as I would hate to get anyone into trouble.
A few people pointed me in the direction of smoking regulations as a guide - basically, if an outdoor structure has a roof, 50% of the walls or more need to be missing in order for it to be classed as an outdoor space where you to legally smoke there. I think that's a good guide (see below for a simple guide):
Finally, even if the law allows households to mix outdoors, some places still have a one household/bubble policy outdoors so please do check before visiting to avoid disappointment.
Oh, one more thing, I have tried to separate the recommendations by region according to google. There may be a slight error with some of them but I have tried my best. Always use the address provided by the venue direct when making plans.
North East Pubs, Cafes & Restaurants with Heated / Covered Outdoor Spaces
Amble Inn - https://www.facebook.com/TheAmbleInn
Credit : The Amble Inn Facebook Page
Seafield Ocean Club Seahouses - https://www.facebook.com/seafieldoceanclub
Credit : Seafield Ocean Club Seahouses Facebook
Red Lion Alnmouth https://www.facebook.com/alnmouth
Credit : Red Lion Alnmouth Facebook
Masons Arms Warkworth https://www.facebook.com/masonsarmswarkworth |
Credit : Masons Arms Warkworth Facebook
White Swan Ovingham https://www.facebook.com/whiteswanovingham |
Credit : White Swan Ovingham Facebook
Tomahawk Steakhouse Ponteland https://www.facebook.com/TomahawkPonteland |
Credit : Tomahawk Steakhouse Ponteland Facebook
The Boathouse Wylam https://www.facebook.com/BoathouseWylam |
Credit : The Boathouse Wylam Facebook
Blackbird Ponteland https://www.facebook.com/Blackbirdponteland
Credit : The Blackbird Ponteland Facebook
Three Horse Shoes Cramlington - https://www.facebook.com/BlythNLD/
Credit : The Three Horse Shoes Facebook
Tyne & Wear
Dil & Bear Whitley Bay Metro Station https://www.facebook.com/dilandthebearatthestation
Credit : Dil & Bear Whitley Bay Facebook
Davanti Classico - Tynemouth Station https://www.facebook.com/davanticlassicotynemouth |
Credit : Davanti Classico Tynemouth Station
Fox and Hounds Crawcrook https://www.facebook.com/Foxcrawcrook  |
Credit : Fox and Hounds Crawcrook Facebook
Half Moon Ryton Village https://www.facebook.com/Halfmooninnryton |
Credit : Half Moon Ryton Facebook
Scott and Wilson North Shields -
https://www.facebook.com/Scott-Wilson-415562158986957 |
Credit : Scott and Wilson Facebook
Left Luggage Monkseaton https://www.facebook.com/leftluggageroom |
Credit : Left Luggage Facebook
The New Plough Inn Cox Green https://www.facebook.com/The-New-Plough-Teacoffee-Trailer-101853731585033 |
Credit : New Plough Inn Facebook
Omni Monkseaton https://www.facebook.com/omnicafe12
Credit : Omni Facebook
Crusoes https://www.facebook.com/crusoestynemouth |
Credit : Crusoes Facebook
The Brewery Whitley Bay https://www.facebook.com/TheBreweryWhitleyBay |
Credit : The Brewery Facebook
Woods Yard, Broadway https://www.facebook.com/Misterwoodscoffeeshop  |
Credit : Woods Coffee Shop Facebook
Hidden Sunderland https://www.facebook.com/HiddenSunderland |
Credit : Hidden Sunderland Facebook
Newcastle Upon Tyne
You can find a comprehensive guide to bars and pubs in Newcastle with outdoor terraces over on StephanieFox.co.uk here.
Arlo Jesmond https://www.facebook.com/arlojesmond
Credit : Arlo Jesmond Facebook
Market Shaker https://www.facebook.com/MarketShakerNewcastle
Credit : Market Shaker Facebook
Jubilee Pub Coxlodge https://www.facebook.com/TheJubileePublicHouse |
Credit : Jubilee Facebook
Kafneon https://www.facebook.com/KafeneonNewcastle |
Credit : Kafeneon Facebook
The Woodsmans Arms, Whickham https://www.facebook.com/TheWoodmansArmsWhickham
The Orangery, Whickham https://www.facebook.com/The-Orangery-101086528328327
Credit : The Orangery Facebook
Route 72 Cafe Newburn https://www.facebook.com/route72bar
Credit : Route 72 Facebook
Beach Box Jesmond https://www.facebook.com/beachboxjesmond |
Credit : Beach Box Jesmond Facebook
Under the Bridge, Ouseburn https://www.facebook.com/underthebridgenewcastle
Credit : Under the Bridge Facebook
The Millstone South Gosforth https://www.facebook.com/millstonegosforth
Credit : The Millstone Facebook
Northumberland Hussar Heaton https://www.facebook.com/TheNorthumberlandHussar |
Credit : Northumberland Hussar Facebook
Adriano's Gosforth https://www.facebook.com/AdrianosRestaurant |
Credit : Adrianos Facebook
City Tavern https://www.facebook.com/citytavernnewcastle
Credit : City Tavern Facebook
The Cluny https://www.facebook.com/thecluny |
Credit : The Cluny Facebook
Stack Newcastle / Hadrian's Tipi https://www.facebook.com/stacknewcastle
Credit : Stack Facebook
Credit : Stack Facebook
South Tyneside The Cock Crow Hebburn https://www.facebook.com/cockcrowinnhebburn
Credit : The Cock Crow Facebook
Sambucas South Shields https://www.facebook.com/Sambuca-South-Shields-209743792391459 |
Credit : Sambucas Facebook
County Durham
Secret Garden Coffee Shop https://www.facebook.com/secretgardencoffeeshop
Credit : Secret Garden Cofffee Shop
Beamish Park Hotel https://www.facebook.com/beamishparkhotel.co.uk |
Credit : Beamish Park Hotel
Stack Seaburn https://www.facebook.com/StackSeaburn |
Credit : Stack Seaburn
The Waiting Room Durham Station https://www.facebook.com/thewaitingroomdurham
Credit : The Waiting Room
South Causey Inn https://www.facebook.com/southcauseyinn |
Credit : South Causey Facebook
Credit : South Causey Facebook
The Tuns at Sadberge https://www.facebook.com/thetunsatsadberge |
Credit : The Tuns Facebook
The Mowden at Darlington https://www.facebook.com/themowdenpub
Credit : The Mowden Facebook
The Farmer's Arms https://www.facebook.com/thefarmersarms.shadforth
Credit : The Farmer's Arms
Redworth Hall https://www.facebook.com/RedworthHallHotel
Credit : Redworth Hall
The Derry https://www.facebook.com/thederrylongnewton
Credit : The Derry Facebook
Phew, that's some list! Make sure you bookmark this post to come back to and always remember to double check outdoor spaces, Government guidelines, venue guidelines and the specifics of the outdoor space (as they may change/differ from those pictured) before making plans and heading out.
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Thank you for your support as always.
Please follow social distancing rules & Government guidelines , respect the local area, leave no trace, take litter home, park responsibly and if somewhere is busy on arrival, please consider leaving and returning at a later date.
Remember face coverings are required for indoor attractions / shops for those aged 11+ (usual exemptions apply)
Check for local lockdowns / travel restrictions before visiting anywhere.
Always check updated opening hours / protocols with venues direct before setting off as things may have changed after this post was published.